
Farah Myers FNP, Cool Creek Family Health, Direct Primary Care in Carmel, Indiana

Boosting Mood with Green Spaces

I’m Farah Myers, FNP in Carmel, Indiana. Today, I’m going to talk about how gardening or simply being near plants can boost your mental health. Studies have shown that spending time with nature can reduce stress, improve mood, and even enhance cognitive function!

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Farah Myers FNP, Cool Creek Family Health, Direct Primary Care in Carmel, Indiana

My Top 3 Favorite Dopamine Snacks

Did you know that taking short breaks throughout your day can naturally increase your dopamine levels? I’m Farah Myers, FNP in Carmel, Indiana. Today, I’m going to talk about how small actions can lead to big results! Give your brain regular “dopamine snacks” and watch your mood and productivity soar.

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Farah Myers FNP, Cool Creek Family Health, Direct Primary Care in Carmel, Indiana

Lifestyle Medicine Pillar – Embracing Physical Activity by Rekindling Your Favorite Moves

To continue our journey into the pillars of Lifestyle Medicine, today’s pillar is Physical Activity! I have always been an active person but would have my ups and downs. I’m Farah Myers, Family Nurse Practitioner in Carmel, Indiana. When I left traditional medicine, I realized that I was using my spin bike as an anti-anxiety pill! Long hours and early morning workouts had me burning the candle at both ends. I was not enjoying it anymore and lost my desire to work out.

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Farah Myers FNP, Cool Creek Family Health, Direct Primary Care in Carmel, Indiana

Lifestyle Medicine Pillar – Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition!

It was recently Lifestyle Medicine Week, and I want to continue focusing on the pillars of lifestyle medicine. Today’s focus is on…Whole-Food Plant Based Nutrition!Believe me, as a weight neutral clinician, I was concerned about how I advise my patients on “Healthy Eating” while also not making too many “food rules.” When I help my patients with nourishment and nutrition, I want it to be achievable and easy! No more food tracking and diet talk!So, “I put it to the test” (as Dr. Greger would say) by working on this myself. How hard could it be? Turns out, if I make SMART goals, really not that bad!

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Farah Myers FNP, Cool Creek Family Health, Direct Primary Care in Carmel, Indiana

Lifestyle Medicine Pillar – Avoiding Risky Substances

Ah yes, this can be a tricky topic to discuss with patients. You have had a long day, your boss was really riding you, so naturally you “deserve” those 2 drinks at the end of the day. I have been there. Working in traditional medicine, I was burned out and found myself looking forward to that beer at the end of the day. Then one became two and then just on the weekends became 3-4 days a week and so on. On my 40th birthday, my husband

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Farah Myers FNP, Cool Creek Family Health, Direct Primary Care in Carmel, Indiana

The 6 Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine

Alright, let’s take a deeper dive into the science behind the six pillars of lifestyle medicine. Think of it as unlocking the secrets to a healthier, happier you! I’m Farah Myers, Family Nurse Practitioner with Cool Creek Family Health. At our direct primary care clinic, we offer healthcare that puts yours and your family’s health and comfort first.

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Farah Myers FNP, Cool Creek Family Health, Direct Primary Care in Carmel, Indiana

The Lowdown on Cortisol: Separating Fact from Fiction for a Happier, Healthier You

So, lately, it seems like everyone’s chatting about cortisol, that stress hormone we all love to hate. But hold up—before you start stressing about your cortisol levels, let’s clear up some misconceptions, shall we? I’m Farah Myers, Family Nurse Practitioner with Cool Creek Family Health. At our direct primary care clinic, we offer healthcare that puts yours and your family’s health and comfort first.

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Farah Myers FNP, Cool Creek Family Health, Direct Primary Care in Carmel, Indiana

Top 10 Family-Friendly Immune-Boosting Foods: Keep Your Loved Ones Healthy All Year Round!

Your family’s immune system is like a team of tiny superheroes, ready to fend off any nasty germs that come their way. And guess what? You hold the key to keeping this superhero squad strong and mighty—it’s all about the food you eat! So, let’s chat about the top 10 family-friendly immune-boosting foods that’ll have your loved ones feeling like superheroes every day of the year. I’m Farah Myers, Family Nurse Practitioner with Cool Creek Family Health. At our direct primary care clinic, we offer a concierge-like service that puts yours and your family’s health and comfort first. Today, I’m going to share a list of the “Top 10 Immune-Boosting Foods!”

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Farah Myers FNP, Cool Creek Family Health, Direct Primary Care in Carmel, Indiana

Empowering Your Teen: Why Direct Primary Care is the Perfect Healthcare Gift

I’m Farah Myers, Family Nurse Practitioner with Cool Creek Family Health. At our direct primary care clinic, we offer a concierge-like service that puts yours and your family’s health and comfort first. Today, I’m going to share how direct primary care (DPC) offers a unique and invaluable approach to healthcare for older children. These clinics provide comprehensive care tailored to individual needs, covering everything from men’s and women’s health to chronic disease management and lifestyle. This means that your child can receive personalized care that addresses their specific needs, all under one roof.

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Farah Myers FNP, Cool Creek Family Health, Direct Primary Care in Carmel, Indiana

Embracing Weight Neutral Healthcare

I’m Farah Myers, Family Nurse Practitioner with Cool Creek Family Health. One of the key aspects of a weight-neutral clinic like ours is the shift in focus from numbers to individuals. Many patients who live in a larger body are all too familiar with the narrative of “If you lost some weight, your back/knees/health issue wouldn’t be a problem.” This approach can be frustrating and dismissive, often ignoring the complexities of health and wellness.

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Farah Myers FNP, Cool Creek Family Health, Direct Primary Care in Carmel, Indiana

Balancing Light and Weight: The Surprising Link Between Sleep Quality and Body Mass

I’m Farah Myers, family nurse practitioner and owner at Cool Creek Family Health, and I wanted to talk a little bit about Light exposure while sleeping prevents our bodies from entering a deep sleep for full restoration.  Sleeping with the television or light in the room has been associated with weight gain in women.  One study showed a weight gain of at least 11lbs over a 5 year period in women who regularly slept with the television on or light in the room. 

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Weight-Neutral Healthcare

When we skip breakfast…

When we skip breakfast, our brains are already working on a glucose deficit, so we start our day off with less resilience! While we may think coffee is the best way to get us focused on our work, we cannot forget about the importance of nutrition!

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Farah Myers FNP, Cool Creek Family Health, Direct Primary Care in Carmel, Indiana

How To Get the Best Blood Pressure Measurement at Home

I’m Farah Myers, family nurse practitioner and owner at Cool Creek Family Health, and I wanted to talk a little bit about checking your blood pressure at home. I have a lot of patients that, we do a lot of ambulatory monitoring where they’re going to check their blood pressure at home.

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Farah Myers, Family Nurse Practitioner practicing Direct Primary Care in Carmel, IN

POV: When Direct Primary Care Saves You an ER Trip

Today a patient came in following a nasty stomach bug, suffering from dehydration. Her heart rate was elevated and she overall just felt terrible. We got her in same day, started up her IV and got her rehydrated in less than a hour! She walked out feeling like a new person and the best part….we saved her a costly ER visit!

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Weight-Neutral Healthcare


One of my family members is recovering from back pain and I was one of the first people they reached out to when it initially presented. Together, we went through the various causes, remedies, and when to really be concerned. Back-pain can have many causes:

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