Now don’t get me wrong. ADHD is a very real diagnosis and I am not here to invalidate that. However there are many more components to it than just lack of focus, including genetics. ADHD requires extensive neuropsychological testing to diagnose.
Yet, I see it all time in my office. Patients have concerns about their lack of focus and increased anxiety, maybe because they can’t focus? It’s a vicious cycle.
But what came first? The anxiety or the loss of focus? Or it is our societal expectation of having to be ON and AVAILABLE all the time?
During our visits, I focus on them to truly assess and get to the root of their issues and it never fails. Their focus gets interrupted with a vibration on their wrist and quick glance at their Apple Watch to check a text. Next, maybe we pause to silence a phone call. Or we stop for “Oh just one sec, I need to respond to this message really quick.”

So I challenge you to put away that Apple Watch or iPhone when you want to have intentional conversation or get your work done. Keep your watch at home. Keep your phone in your bag.