Lifestyle Medicine Pillar – Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition!

Farah Myers FNP, Cool Creek Family Health, Direct Primary Care in Carmel, Indiana

It was recently Lifestyle Medicine Week, and I want to continue focusing on the pillars of lifestyle medicine. Today’s focus is on…Whole-Food Plant Based Nutrition!

Believe me, as a weight neutral clinician, I was concerned about how I advise my patients on “Healthy Eating” while also not making too many “food rules.” When I help my patients with nourishment and nutrition, I want it to be achievable and easy! No more food tracking and diet talk!

So, “I put it to the test” (as Dr. Greger would say) by working on this myself. How hard could it be? Turns out, if I make SMART goals, really not that bad!

So, I started with small goals such as adding in 1-2 plant based meals per week when cooking for my family. Once that was doable, I started adding another plant based meal during the week. Then started moving to lunches and breakfasts. 

I am still a work in progress and all of this is on a spectrum where I can’t (and likely will never) say I am 100% plant based, but I will be excited to share my lab results to check my progress. 

I will say that when I do eat plant based meals, I feel better overall after eating. Less feeling stuffed and just “ick” after a meat based meal. I have also had fun trying new recipes and getting my kids into it. Who knew my middle kid was such a tofu fan?!

But, best of all, it has been fun to share these plant based recipes with my patients and start to inspire their food choices. Plus, how fun is it to take yummy food pics?!

If you are interested in learning more, I suggest the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) site as an excellent resource. 

Farah Myers is a family nurse practitioner with Cool Creek Family Health in Carmel, Indiana. At Cool Creek Family Health, we’re not just another healthcare office. We’re your dedicated healthcare partner. With our direct primary care model, you really get to know your healthcare provider and they you. Designed for easy 2-way communication and follow-up, together, we’ll prioritize your health journey and work towards your best self. Say goodbye to the confusion of self-diagnosis and conflicting advice. Contact us today for a meet and greet and let’s make your health a priority again.

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