Lifestyle Medicine Pillar – Restorative Sleep Sanctuary: Transforming Bedtime Habits

Farah Myers FNP, Cool Creek Family Health, Direct Primary Care in Carmel, Indiana

I’ve been having fun going through the pillars of lifestyle medicine each week. Today’s pillar is…Restorative Sleep!

Growing up, I was the kid that fell asleep in the car on the way to the grocery store. I never had trouble napping or sleeping…it was my kiddo superpower! As an adult, that is a whole different story!

When I was working in traditional medicine, I was so burned out at the end of the day, I just needed to “zone out” and not think. After seeing 20 patients a day and then coming home to a bustling family, I got decision fatigue, BIG TIME.

So what was my favorite thing to do? Why yes…let’s zone out and scroll on my phone whilst cozy in bed after the kids are asleep. Oh, I love Words with Friends like the next gal and I cannot deny the time I spent doom scrolling on social media.

However, I found that over time, I was staying up later and later. Just one more reel! Just one more meme! And then when I put my phone on my nightstand, all of a sudden…BOINK, my eyes were wide open! I was having difficulty falling asleep and even if I did, it was restless.

Changes needed to happen. So I started leaving my phone downstairs and doing printed crosswords in bed. Just about as boring as I could get. Ha! It took a week or so but after that, I was sleeping like a log! Able to fall asleep easier and stay asleep too! It made a huge difference in my overall mood, energy levels and ability to be a better healthcare provider!

Per ACLM, Sleep delays/interruptions have been shown to cause sluggishness, low attention span, decreased sociability, depressed mood, decreased deep sleep, decreased caloric burn during the day, increased hunger and decreased feeling of fullness, insulin resistance and decreased performance. Strive for 7 or more hours per night for optimal health

What are some things you have done to get restorative sleep? And how big of a change was it for you?

If you are interested in learning more, I suggest the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) site as an excellent resource. 

Farah Myers is a family nurse practitioner with Cool Creek Family Health in Carmel, Indiana. At Cool Creek Family Health, we’re not just another healthcare office. We’re your dedicated healthcare partner. With our direct primary care model, you really get to know your healthcare provider and they you. Designed for easy 2-way communication and follow-up, together, we’ll prioritize your health journey and work towards your best self. Say goodbye to the confusion of self-diagnosis and conflicting advice. Contact us today for a meet and greet and let’s make your health a priority again.

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