Lifestyle Medicine Pillar – Embracing Physical Activity by Rekindling Your Favorite Moves

Farah Myers FNP, Cool Creek Family Health, Direct Primary Care in Carmel, Indiana

To continue our journey into the pillars of Lifestyle Medicine, today’s pillar is Physical Activity!

I have always been an active person but would have my ups and downs when it came to consistency. When I left traditional medicine, I realized that I was using my spin bike as an anti-anxiety pill! Long hours and early morning workouts had me burning the candle at both ends. I was not enjoying it anymore and lost my desire to work out.

As a former high school tennis player, my husband finally got me back on the courts and it has been a game changer. Getting back to movement I love has been super rewarding and I WANT to actually do it!

Now my oldest son plays tennis as well and we have had such a great time bonding on the courts. This past winter, we were getting up twice a week at 530am to play tennis before school! I mean, what 13 year old voluntarily does that? LOL!

As a pillar of lifestyle medicine, regular and consistent physical activity combats the negative effects of sedentary behavior. It is important that adults engage in both general physical activity as well as purposeful exercise weekly as part of overall health and resiliency. We want to aim for 150 minutes of mild to moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week.

What new forms of movement have you tried? Ever considered going back to an old exercise love?

If you are interested in learning more, I suggest the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) site as an excellent resource. 

Farah Myers is a family nurse practitioner with Cool Creek Family Health in Carmel, Indiana. At Cool Creek Family Health, we’re not just another healthcare office. We’re your dedicated healthcare partner. With our direct primary care model, you really get to know your healthcare provider and they you. Designed for easy 2-way communication and follow-up, together, we’ll prioritize your health journey and work towards your best self. Say goodbye to the confusion of self-diagnosis and conflicting advice. Contact us today for a meet and greet and let’s make your health a priority again.

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