I will never recommend eliminating any major food groups from your diet, unless…

Farah Myers FNP, Cool Creek Family Health, Direct Primary Care in Carmel, Indiana

No. I will never recommend eliminating any major food groups from your diet – unless you have a specific allergy documented by reputable testing.

Why? Because I have seen it time and time again where healthcare providers recommend elimination diets in addition to $1000s of supplements only to confuse their patients more.  This practice may provide a toe hold to disordered eating where the patient is so confused about what or why they “should and should not” eat that they end up in a worse place than they were when they started. And now, completely out of cash to pay and follow up for another pricey appointment! 😠

Eliminating food groups does not “reset” your belly.  It only causes confusion and anxiety around food.  

There is so much more we can do without causing disordered eating.  Let’s look at sleep hygiene, habits around eating, ways we eat our food, movement, stress management and so much more.  

Not to mention, we need calories to manage our mood…which is (you know it) – DIRECTLY TIED TO OUR GUT!

So let’s stop demonizing food and start understanding our relationship and habits around food.  

That is a lifestyle change that is worth keeping around.  ☺️

Cool Creek Family Health is a direct primary care (DPC) clinic. DPC is a model of value based healthcare that allows the patient (you) better access and a more personal relationship with your healthcare provider. Contact us today to learn how we put you in the driver’s seat of your healthcare and can make you love your primary care experience again!

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