American Heart Health Month

February is American Heart Health Month to help us bring more awareness to heart disease and how we can improve our heart health. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. But what exactly is heart disease and what can you do to prevent it?

The term “cardiovascular disease” is the umbrella term for all types of diseases that affect the heart and/or blood vessels. This includes coronary artery disease (clogged arteries) which can cause heart attacks, heart failure, stroke and peripheral artery disease. 1 in 3 people die of cardiovascular disease every year in the United States.

What is coronary artery disease? Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is when plaque (a combination of fat, cholesterol, calcium and other substances in your blood) builds up in the arteries that supply blood to your heart. This decreases the amount of oxygen rich blood getting to your heart which causes chest pain (or angina). Plaque can also break off and cause blood clots to move or block blood flow which is the most common cause of a heart attack.

What can you do to protect yourself from cardiovascular diseases?

Talk to your primary care provider about your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and sugars.

Reduce your sodium intake. Avoid adding salt to any dishes. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 2300mg of sodium per day, ideally less than 1500mg if you have high blood pressure.

Increase your physical activity. Aim for 150 minutes of mild to moderate exercise per week.

Maintain a healthy weight. Talk to your primary care provider about your weight, waist circumference, BMI and how it pertains to your heart health.

Don’t smoke or stop smoking! Smoking is one of the biggest risk factors for cardiovascular disease and yes, vaping counts too!

Manage your stress. Excess stress increases inflammation which in turns increases your cardiovascular risk.

Keep your Diabetes under control. Monitor your levels and continue to work with your primary care provider to find methods that work best for you.

At Cool Creek Family Health, we partner with you to provide you with the best recipe for success when optimizing your health. With our extended appointment times (45-90 minutes), we make the time to work with you regarding nutrition, exercise and other lifestyle management needs. Our same day/next day appointments offer you the quick assistance you need when you need it. Direct access to your healthcare provider is also a convenient, time saving way to get your questions answered in a timely manner. Combine that with no wait times and no copays ever, you not only save time, but you save money too! Call or text us at 317-663-9932 to set up a free meet and greet to see if Cool Creek Family Health is right for you.

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